Wyre Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 754
Advancement meeting 18th October 2023 at the Masonic Hall, Esplanade, Fleetwood
The WM, W. Bro. David Platt welcomed everybody and opened the meeting.
V. W. Bro. Stephen Windsor Leach and V. W. Bro. James Frances Rogers were both present as Senior members of the Lodge.
A memoriam for W. Bro. Michael William Glover was delivered and a period of reflection was held.
A ballot was taken for the candidate W. Bro Peter Dunn (the Masonic Hall Secretary), which proved successful, and the officers of the Lodge worked through an excellent ceremony of advancement. The DC, W. Bro. Dennis Smith acted as SD and expertly guided the candidate through the ceremony accompanied by the JD, Bro Gavin Egan.
Th SW, W. Bro Mike Brown, was on hand with chocolate rewards for all those entitled. The JW, Bro Dave Shaw, was enthusiastic in his use of the axe!
W. Bro. Smith gave a great explanation of signs.
W. Bro. Tony Cross presented the newly advanced Bro with a welcome letter from the RWPGM.
The Lodge business was finalised, and the WM closed the Lodge and the members, visitors and masters in office; Cleveleys Mark - Paul Smedley and Prince Setanta – Allan Gould, retired to the bar and onto the amply supplied festive board.
A very good night was had by all!
Words and pictures by Tony Cross